Archive for ‘sport’

April 17, 2017

Raiders vs Warriors Game

On Saturday evening I headed off to watch the Raiders vs Warriors game at GIO Stadium. The Uber dropped me off just outside the stadium. I scanned the ticket I had on my phone on the electronic scanner and the turnstile let me in. I also got my bag checked by security.

Once inside the stadium, I headed around to my bay and seat which was in the silver inner bowl and had a good view of the players. I sat down and watched the game. I thought the game was very exciting. At first it seemed like the Raiders were going to lose as the Warriors seemed very strong and had a good offence. At half time I grabbed a beer and some hot chips with tomato sauce. The sky darkened and I put on my coat, scarf and gloves as a chill crept into the air. The Raiders really picked up their pace and had a stunning victory against the Warriors-20-8! We all filed out of the stadium and I did find the free shuttle bus back to Belconnen-yay!